About Me

🎬 Video Editor | πŸ“± Social Media Marketer | 🌟 Creating Captivating Stories

I am a highly skilled and experienced video editor and social media marketer with a proven track record of success. I have a passion for creating engaging and effective content that drives results. I am also experienced in social media marketing, including developing and executing social media strategies, creating and managing social media content, and measuring social media ROI.

years of experience
Projects completed
0 %
Awards & Achievements

Adobe Creative Clouds

Digital Marketing

Social Media Management



Social Media Strategist

Email Automation

My System Specs

01. CPU

Intel I7 12th Generation

02. Storgage

40GB DDR5 RAM, 1.5TB NVME ​​

03. Graphic Card

Nvidia RTX 3060​ 6GB DDR6

I love to collaborate and evaluate your business. Let’s talk!

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